Category Archives: Uncategorized

Products & Treatment room

While we have not been able to treat, I have been preparing some new products [...]

Treatment rooms….

We are being very careful and mindful of the current Covid-19 situation and managing the [...]

The treatment rooms are open…..

We are really excited to announce that the treatment rooms at Verde lab – Remedial [...]

Home care products & massage room -temporary closure

Dear Folks, we are temporarily closing the massage room. We will be open for Massage [...]

Massage & Dry needling

The benefits of combining massage and dry needling in a treatment is the targeted approach [...]

Massage for health

Remedial Massage & Myoptherapy can provide you with a range of health benefits, and I [...]

Benefits of Massage

Massage can provide the body and mind with some long-term health benefits. Relaxation associated with [...]